Thursday, June 3, 2010

Sports & Stress

I have heard Sports does not build character as much as it exposes it. Apparently the same is true of stress. The hail storm punched holes in the roof of my office building causing drips and leaks all over the floor where I work. It looked like an obstacle course of trash cans going down the hall. Then 2 weeks later a monsoon hit and finished off the job. The roof gave way and the ceiling in most of the offices collapsed. Fortunately the damaged was done on the weekend, no one hurt but seems as though a lot are injured... Yep most of our stuff was drenched, we had to move out, the smell of wet-moldy carpet is nauseating, computers ruined, figuring out how to work with out your notes, your computer or your phone is more than challenging. Now we are in "temporary" office space for 4 months, little cubicles with little personal space. Stress is high, very high and as you might guess there is character being exposed. Those who griped before now have real complaints and an audience. The solutions offered are never satisfying, soon enough or sensible for them. Those who gripe take out their frustrations on those who try. Then there are the by-standers, the audience. They do nothing, don't gripe, don't help, not causing problems and not offering anything productive. But then - the shining stars. They come in early, stay late, offer to help others, look for the best solution or at least a plan B. They even listen to the gripes and allow others to vent. People are more important to them than stuff. Ideas are welcome and attitudes calm, even positive. This too shall pass, but it is a good time to look around and see who sinks and see who shines.

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