Sunday, April 21, 2013

The question is...

I know what you are thinking.  Is the glass half full or is the glass half empty. But I read a third question this week.   How heavy is the glass of water?  You may guess or you may be the kind who goes and gets a glass and weighs it.  Then again you may be a smart one and already have an idea of the weight of the glass and the water.   But the answer is-- it doesn't matter, it all depends on how long you have to hold it.   If you hold it out for a few minutes it weighs very little.  If you a hold it out for an hour or more your arm might ache.  If I ask you to hold it straight out for a day your are likely to tire, cramp, get numb or drop it.  The weight  didn't change, but the longer you hold it the heavier it feels. 
Now, think about your stresses, your worries or concerns. And think about your blessings and obligations. If your life is half empty with heart ache or your life is half full with service you still constantly carry the weight around.  The longer you carry it the heavier it gets.  You begin to tire, feel numb and  things begin to slip. The weight of the problems may vary, but holding on to them and never putting them down will eventually defeat you.  It is important to let go of stress and worries. Put them down if just for a time.  Cast all your cares on God because he cares for you.  Jesus said "my load is not hard to carry."  I have thought it would be irresponsible to put down my worries.  After all I want to do my part, "pull my weight" and contribute.  How could I just put them down and walk away?  But what occurred to me this week is we all need rest and respite.   Respite is "a delay or cessation for a time."  You can put them down, walk away and breath and rest for a time.  It is ok.  You will still be responsible, you can come back and pick up where you left off.  Just give your self a break.  God does.  God wants us to stay with him for the long haul, actually for eternity.  So pace yourself and put it down.  Whatever "it" is.   You see if the glass is half  empty with burdens and worries you will tire and become discouraged.  If the glass is half full of service, blessing and responsibility, you will tire and burn out.  Either way, it becomes too heavy to bear.  God is right there to carry it for you.  Give it to him in prayer, place it in his hands.  He doesn't get tired.   And you can share it with your brethren.  Confess your sins to one another and pray for each other, that you may be healed.  Confession opens the door to our dark places and lets the light of prayer in.  Let go of your burdens, if just for a little while and hold on to friends and family.  You can always go back and pick up where you left off and you will find the burden is not quite so heavy as you remembered.