Tuesday, March 11, 2014

"Beware of the barrenness of a busy life." Socrates 490 BC

      Abraham Lincoln said  "Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle."   Thomas Jefferson was quoted as saying “Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.”  And even Shakespeare wrote "In delay there lies no plenty."   If procrastination was the plague 2nd millennium, then busy-ness is the plague of the 3rd.    The pendulum has swung.  
      We seem to have taken their advice to heart.  We put off nothing.  We take on more and more.  Saying ‘no’ is unacceptable, so we rise to the challenge of taking on the next assignment.  Full speed ahead we add more and more to our list of things to do.  We now need electronic day timers, we walk around with calendars in our phones, check the office blackberry and sync our many devices in the cloud all to see if we can manage to add one more thing to our busy life.  The industrial age released our hands and the inventions took over our jobs but we gained no extra time. In fact, we have less time, more things and little enjoyment.  We admire the overcommitted.  No -- we idealize the overcommitted. 
       The problem with overcommitted is that it lacks discernment.  Choosing what is good, better and best from among a few things is like checking a compass.  It gives direction and keeps us on the right track.  Choosing what is important from among hundreds of deadlines, calls and emails gives frustration not direction.  Chronic over-commitment reflects a lack of priorities.  We are finite beings with limited time and energy.  A busy life is overwhelming to the point of depressing.  Lack of vitality is the result of being too busy doing what doesn’t matter.  A life without stopping extinguishes everyone eventually.  The hardest choice isn’t deciding what to do, although that can be difficult.  The hardest choice is deciding what to stop.  Starting is easy.  Stopping takes wisdom, resolve and courage. 
       First you must get off center stage.  Being the center of attention is heady and feeds the ego.  Being the “go to” guy feels good until they go to you with all the assignments.  The more you do the more they expect you to do.  You will get the accolades and the applause.  You will be recognized you will be exhausted.  Instead make it your ambition to lead a quiet life. You should mind your own business and work with your hands.  In this way your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and you will not be dependent on anyone.*  You see, having attention does not equal having respect. 
       Decide what is important and narrow your focus.  Choose your priorities for yourself.  Use these priorities as the standard for investing your life.  If it does not meet your standard it goes away or at least to the back of the line. Stop wasting your time on a life that brings no joy.  Use common sense and sound judgment. They will help you live a long and beautiful life.  You will rest without worry and sleep soundly.*  Because you are focused on what truly matters decide to have no guilt over saying no.  Never let others guilt you into a commitment. Know yourself, choose for yourself.
       Finally, be you.  Hold firm to your faith. Have courage and be strong. Do everything in love.*  It takes courage to stop, courage to have less and do less.  It takes internal resolve to step off of the train everyone around you is riding.  We gain courage and confidence from Jesus Christ.* Courage to go against the tide.  Refuse to be swept out to the deep waters of a busy life. This life, while constantly giving you more to do, cannot fill you up.   Step out in confidence to be yourself as God created you.  You are not defined by your accomplishments. You are not defined by your title. You are not defined by others.  Your worth comes from God not from your income.  You have value because God values you.
       Narrow your focus, decide for yourself and step away with the courage that comes from God. Be still and know God. I pray we can find many days with nothing to do but exalt him over all the earth.



I Thessalonians 4:11,  Proverbs 3:21-24,  I Corinthians 16:13-14
  Ephesians 3:12,   Psalm 46:10