Sunday, February 7, 2010

Not my fault.

Have you ever noticed that a speeding ticket is never really your fault? There are always extenuating circumstances - in a hurry, didn't see, didn't know, unfamiliar surroundings.... There are really good reasons the officer should understand why this time really is a mistake and should be overlooked. (Yes you may infer from this what should seem obvious.) Have you ever gotten a ticket and thought to yourself, "Yep, I'm glad he stopped me. The world is a better place, I have learned a valuable lesson today." Can't say I have had that attitude. Shouldn't the officer be out there stopping real criminals? Of course if the bar is set high enough, the net cast wide enough I'll get caught in it now and then. I'll be more cautious, more careful, those "real criminals" will get caught in the same net and you my friends will be safer - from both of us. I guess I am thankful for the ticket. Maybe.

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