I have been thinking about wrinkles. Maybe it is my age or maybe it is what I see when I look in the mirror. But of late wrinkles have been on my mind (more accurately on my face.) There are a lot of products out there to prevent and treat this, "anti ageing" creams and lotions abound. Of course you can progress to wrinkle-blasting laser rejuvenation, laser resurfacing (sounds a bit too much like road work for my taste,) peels, Botox, fillers, exercises and finally surgery. There seems to be hundreds of choices for the treatment and cure of wrinkles. Which brings to mind, does one need to be "cured" of wrinkles? Well, I don't look 20 any more (ok, ok I don't look 30 or 40 any more either) but does that automatically mean I need a cure? Is beauty tied to youth? Or can beauty change with time but not diminish? When I look at beautiful people I do not see their wrinkles, their weight or hair or the color of their skin. What strikes me most, what captures me and holds my attention is their smile. A smile can do wonders for a face of any age. It shows love and joy and brings laughter to the eyes. It brings warmth to the soul of both the giver and the recipient. A well worn smile is the best beauty treatment. It can be given as a gift or displayed as a triumph. Smiling makes me feel better on the inside and look better on the outside. What a deal.
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